
Tag: Population [ All ]

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  Title Copies
Document on human reproduction, family planning, and population dynamics 
Year: 1977 
Population and employment in developing countries 
Year: 1986 
ISBN: 9221005151 
The World Bank Atlas 1986 
Year: 1986 
ISSN: 00858293 
Davao IPaD XI: Information and Development (Volume 1, Issue 2) 
Year: 2014 
Seeking a healthy balance 
Year: 2012 
Call No: HM
Philippine progress report on implementation of the international conference on population and development programme of action.  
Year: 2015 
a primer on population and development in the 90s: the Philippines 
Population and development: the metropolitan perspective 
Year: 1986 
Davao IPaD XI: Information and Development 
Year: 2015 
Population and development integration: a mentoring guide for providing technical assistance to local government units 
Year: 2014