
Tag: Adolescent health [ All ]

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  Title Copies
A framework for the integration of adolescent health and development concepts into pre-service health professional educational curricula WHO western pacific region 
Year: 2002 
Adolescence, Adolescents 
Edition: Subsequent 
Year: 1990 
ISBN: 0673520188 
ISBN 13: 9780673520180 
Call No: BF
Communication and advocacy strategies adolescent reproductive and sexual health, case study China, People's Republic of 
Year: 2000 
Communication and advocacy strategies adolescent reproductive and sexual health, case study Lao PDR 
Year: 2000 
Communication and advocacy strategies adolescent reproductive and sexual health, Case study: Maldives 
Year: 2000 
Communication and advocacy strategies adolescent reproductive and sexual health, case study: Nepal 
Year: 2000 
Learning package on parent education on adolescent health and development: module 5 
Year: 2008 
Learning package on parent education on adolescent health and development: module 2 
Learning package on parent education on adolescent health and development: module 3 
Lesson guides on adolescent reproductive health (a population education concept)